Friday, August 21, 2009

For class of 2009, degree doesn’t mean a job

Students are scared as research studies in the work force find out that Employment counselor’s and job placement specialists are saying the class of 2009 are facing a daunting task of finding work in the worst economy since the Great Depression.
The studies showed that More than half of graduates in the class of 2007 had job offers as soon as they finished school, That figure dropped to one-quarter of 2008 graduates and after the recession began in December 2007 and now for the class of 2009, it was fewer than one-fifth. Although the statistics can’t be calculated until the fall it is presumed that 2010 will be even lower.(

I myself think this is frightening and effects me right here at home. It sort of makes you wonder what the point in even going to college. You work hard to get a better job that you probably won’t even get but then on top of thing now you have a big huge bill for student loans to pay off with no job to pay for them which just leaves you worse then you where.

Emil Gilbert

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