Sunday, September 6, 2009

About 2,000 walk in march for kidnap victim

In South Lake Tahoe, California, the town held a parade/walk for Jaycee Lee Dugard that was kidnapped 18 years ago. Jaycee was not present at the parade while they celebrated her return, but instead she was with her parents in North California.

The parade was organized by the town because they wanted her to know how much they love her and they never gave up hope in finding her. Her elementary school classmates and teachers were at the walk, showing their support and showing her the love they have for her. Everyone wore pink and had pink balloons that symbolizes Jaycee's favorite color. The South Lake Tahoe Police said there was approximately 2,500 people throughout the parade and the rally that they held after the walk.

Jaycee and her family moved to South Lake Tahoe in 1990 from their home in Southern California because they thought it would be a safer place for the family to live. Instead, when she was going to her bus stop a few months later, she was abducted right in front of her step father. He peddled on his bike so fast after the couple that took her, but they raced off with Jaycee and that was the last they heard from her until she was brought back home safe.

The memories of Jaycee and the day she went missing have been a part of all the residents lives and hearts in Tahoe and across America. The parade celebrated Jaycee's safe return home and for all of them to show her their support. Her return home has given other families hope that their children also will return home safe as well.

At the parade, T-shirts and cupcakes were made and sold to help raise money for the Jaycee Dugard fund.

This story touched my heart in so many different ways its unreal. I am so happy for Jaycee and her family that finally after all these years, she was able to return home. There are a lot of families out there that don't get that second chance on getting their child back safe or at all. There are a lot of sick people out there that are capable of doing harm to anyone at anytime and that scares me. With all of these missing children cases that have been going on for so many years, I didn't want to bring a child into this world. But I do have a child now and I do not want her out of my sight for a moment, because that's all it takes and then she's gone. All anyone can do is to take every precaution necessary to keep your child safe and for your child to know not to talk to strangers and not to walk alone. Everyone has to be street smart and know exactly what to do if the situation was to happen.

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