Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Pensacola. FL- Details emerge in Florida couple's slayings

On July 10, 2009, in Pensacola, FL, Melanie and Byrd Billings were shot to death, fighting for their lives in their large home with their 9 adopted children present. One of those children that has down syndrome was sleeping in their bedroom at the time of the robbery.Seven of the suspects have been arrested and charged with murder. their names are Leonard Patrick Gonzalez JR(35) and SR(56), Wayne Coldiron(41), Donnie Ray Stallworth(28), Gary Camont Sumner(30), Frederick Lee Thornton(19), and Rakeem Florence(16). At the time of the robbery, they wore black masks and black ninja like clothes. They were in and out of the house within 4 minutes. They stole a small safe that they found in a downstairs closet, but failed to find the large safe that had $164,000 in it.According to investigators, the men did not plan on killing the couple but planned only to rob them. One month prior to the murders, Lonnie Smith ( "one of the would-be recruits") tried to rob the Billings home, but when the security lights came on " that lit up like a christmas tree", he took off.


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