Thursday, September 3, 2009

HIV-AIDS rate is increasing across Florida

HIV/AIDS is among Florida's men and has reached critical levels, according to the new state report; the highest rate for the disease in any racial/ethnic groups was in Miami-Dade County. According to the report one in every 123 adult men in Florida was living with HIV/AIDS through 2008, said the report The Crisis of HIV/AIDS among Florida's Men, by the Florida Department of Health. Overall, 90,000 Floridians age 13 years and over were living with HIV//AIDS. And 72 percent of them were men.

This report seeks to encourage men to take responsibility for the consequences of their sexual actions and urged Florida's men to ``be faithful, use condoms, get tested for HIV, be honest with sexual partners, seek treatment, get an annual physical exam and challenge societal expectations of men that may encourage unsafe behaviors .''

I agree with this report but I also think that woman should take just as much precaution as the men. This is a scary figure especially because it’s right here in Florida. There are a lot of people that say that will never happen to me then next thing you know it’s too late.

Emil Gilbert

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