Friday, September 4, 2009

Illegal street race ends in violent, deadly crash

Three people died in an illegal high-speed street race. Their bodies were completely mangled in metal and glass. One of the racers drove off in a dark-colored car immediately after the crash. Police have yet to find that person. A witness said they were doing in excess of 100 miles per hour. The crash made gender identification difficult for medical crews. The road was closed while they cleared the scrap metal and glass from the pavement.

Who actually thinks they could do 100 miles per hour and not get into an accident or even caught by the police? Going that fast is a death wish. I think they should have made a device to limit all automobiles to 80 miles per hour or maybe some kind of smart chip which could sense if the car is being used for racing. I know they have the technology; why won't they use it?


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