Thursday, September 3, 2009

FHP to target Alligator Alley during Labor Day weekend

Look out folks for this labor day weekend. There are hopefully going to be a lot of people traveling this weekend between the different coasts, so what can we tell you? slow down. The Florida Highway Patrol said although all the major roadways will be watched Alligator Alley in particular will be the main target. This will be one of the largest enforcement groups out, with highway patrolman from Naples and Broward. There not just focused on speeders either. They are looking for seat belt violations as well as aggressive driving. So drivers beware, they also are going to be enforcing the mover over law. The move over law says that if an authorized vehicle is pulled over to the side of the road with flashing light you must move over. And don't think just because you bypass the cops on land you can get past the helicopter. They will also have the helicopter flying above to catch those speeders who get past the cop cars. They will also be using unmarked cars, so drivers look out... But everyone should be safe driving on the highways at anytime, not just holiday weekends. Enjoy labor day weekend, and be safe with your families.

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