Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Florida hotel bedbug inspection policy changes

In St. Pete Fl, there are a lot of people complaining about bedbugs at hotels. So now the state of Fl wants to adopt a new plan for inspecting hotel rooms. Although bedbugs are becoming a problem all around the nation, inspectors can now actually go into a hotel room to check themselves. If bedbugs are found then the hotels will not be able to rent the room s until the inspectors are able to determine that the bedbugs are gone. Which could take up to two weeks to get rid of the bedbugs. But the real question is, why wasn't there anything done upon initial complaints. There should have at least been some type of plan of action already in place due to the frequency of different people sleeping in the beds. They should have tried to address the problem long ago, not wait until now, because people are pursuing lawsuits.


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