Thursday, September 3, 2009

Man Goes From Hero to Hammer Weildering Wife Killer

In Bryceville, Florida, Unfortunate event changed man from, Michael Ratley from a hero to a zero! Michael Rately was known as a hero for saving his two week old son and wife from their burning trailer. They otherwise would have died because the trailer burned to the ground. But I'm sure his wife would have rather died in the fire than her husband brutally smashing her skull with a hammer. Police found no motive. For this hideous crime he received 25 years to life with no possibility of parole. All his family say it's not him and murdering his wife let alone anybody is out of his character, but evidence shows otherwise! Even though Michael Ratley altered the scene to make it look like someone had came inside the house to murder his wife.


Anthing can happen in the blink of an eye who knows why this once loving family man had a change of heart to kill the woman he once loved so much. I believe this sentence was fair after brutally murdering his woman with their son in the house he deserves to die in prison.

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