Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Crist Running For Senate In 2010

Florida Gov. Charlie Crist will run for the U.S. Senate instead of seeking a second term, saying he can help Florida more from Washington. “Shortly after his announcement, Crist received major endorsements from both Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman John Cornyn.”

Crist is a top choice for Republicans nationally as they try to keep Democrats from capturing at least 60 Senate seats. Governor Crist immediately becomes the front-runner to replace fellow Republican Mel Martinez, who said he is leaving the Senate after his first term.

I don’t think Crist will be a good choice for senate. There are so many things and promises that he was not able to complete as governor. Crist has swept a lot of things under the rug while we struggle with unjust taxes and road construction projects that that he agreed upon that we don’t even need. If he does make it I just hope he makes a better senate then he did a Governor.

Emil Gilbert

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