Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Runaway boat crashes into rocks

In Stuart, an unmanned boat was spotted at speeds of 30mph. Jeremy Glass says the boat was coming straight towards theirs when they noticed the incoming boat did not have anyone on board. They began to follow the boat to make sure it wouldn't injure anyone. The boat ended up hitting rocks and flew a few feet in the air and almost cleared it to the other side. Jeremy and his friends went to the other side of the rock jetty and jumped into the water. They climbed up onto the boat and turned the smoking motor off. It was a freak accident and luckily nobody was hurt.

Now this is seriously scary. I used to live on the water and I usually went out for a quick boat ride almost every weekend. Imagine seeing a boat with no people on it just coasting and heading for shore; what would you do? I think Jeremy and his friends did the right thing by following it until it crashed. Attempting to jump on the boat would have been risky and probably fatal. I hope people watch the video to learn on ways they could prevent things like this or any other type of accident on the water.

Watch the YouTube video here


Florida's Not Winning The "Green" Race....

Orlando Sentinel

Two years ago there was an order. This order, given by Governor Charlie Crist, was that all new buildings built by the state would be L.E.E.D. certified. Here we stand and Florida still falls short of other states in the race to be "green'.

While it's not really a race Florida falls short of California, Illanois, and New York in the number of platinum certified buildings. How many does Florida have? One. That's right. One Platinum L.E.E.D. certified building. Don't feel bad. As I said before, Florida ranks with several other states and, remember, this isn't a race.

There are various factors in why Florida only has one platinum building. The economy is one of them. It costs more to build a "green" building than it does to build one that isn't "green". Gold certified alone costs 2.5 percent more to build. That's not much but it gets more expensive to gain platinum. Mr. McFadden, a managing partner for Taurus Investments, calims the Gold Certification added as much as five percent to the initial cost of the two-story buildings the company put up. Is that cheap? Not when you're talking $100,000. He claims that he would go for Gold again but Platinum is just not feasable.

Is it worth it in this economy to shoot for Platinum? We do have to consider what happens to the planet or things will keep getting worse. I hope someday we can all be environmentally friendly.

Crist Running For Senate In 2010

Florida Gov. Charlie Crist will run for the U.S. Senate instead of seeking a second term, saying he can help Florida more from Washington. “Shortly after his announcement, Crist received major endorsements from both Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman John Cornyn.”

Crist is a top choice for Republicans nationally as they try to keep Democrats from capturing at least 60 Senate seats. Governor Crist immediately becomes the front-runner to replace fellow Republican Mel Martinez, who said he is leaving the Senate after his first term.

I don’t think Crist will be a good choice for senate. There are so many things and promises that he was not able to complete as governor. Crist has swept a lot of things under the rug while we struggle with unjust taxes and road construction projects that that he agreed upon that we don’t even need. If he does make it I just hope he makes a better senate then he did a Governor.

Emil Gilbert

Monday, September 7, 2009

Great White Sharks prompt swimming ban

The beaches in Chatham, Massachussets is off limits this Labr Day weekend because there have been a few sightings of great white sharks in the beaches oceans.

Red "no swimming" signs were posted up at North Beach, Lighthouse Beach, South Beach, and Hardings Beach in Chatham because an expert that knows about sharks seen the great white sharks on the coast on Saturday.

Two of the sharks have been tagged with a tracking device by expert, senior biologist Gregory Skomal and his men. The sharks have been reported to be approximately 8 to 10 feet long.

Officials have given warnings out to everyone to be careful during the Labor Day weekend. Swimming during this time is not recommended while the sharks are still out there.


Labor Day weekend is a time where all the beaches are always crowded. Most of the time people don't think about sharks being so close to shore. The officials have given out the warning, so hopefully everyone listens and stays out of the water so there are no shark attacks.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

About 2,000 walk in march for kidnap victim

In South Lake Tahoe, California, the town held a parade/walk for Jaycee Lee Dugard that was kidnapped 18 years ago. Jaycee was not present at the parade while they celebrated her return, but instead she was with her parents in North California.

The parade was organized by the town because they wanted her to know how much they love her and they never gave up hope in finding her. Her elementary school classmates and teachers were at the walk, showing their support and showing her the love they have for her. Everyone wore pink and had pink balloons that symbolizes Jaycee's favorite color. The South Lake Tahoe Police said there was approximately 2,500 people throughout the parade and the rally that they held after the walk.

Jaycee and her family moved to South Lake Tahoe in 1990 from their home in Southern California because they thought it would be a safer place for the family to live. Instead, when she was going to her bus stop a few months later, she was abducted right in front of her step father. He peddled on his bike so fast after the couple that took her, but they raced off with Jaycee and that was the last they heard from her until she was brought back home safe.

The memories of Jaycee and the day she went missing have been a part of all the residents lives and hearts in Tahoe and across America. The parade celebrated Jaycee's safe return home and for all of them to show her their support. Her return home has given other families hope that their children also will return home safe as well.

At the parade, T-shirts and cupcakes were made and sold to help raise money for the Jaycee Dugard fund.


This story touched my heart in so many different ways its unreal. I am so happy for Jaycee and her family that finally after all these years, she was able to return home. There are a lot of families out there that don't get that second chance on getting their child back safe or at all. There are a lot of sick people out there that are capable of doing harm to anyone at anytime and that scares me. With all of these missing children cases that have been going on for so many years, I didn't want to bring a child into this world. But I do have a child now and I do not want her out of my sight for a moment, because that's all it takes and then she's gone. All anyone can do is to take every precaution necessary to keep your child safe and for your child to know not to talk to strangers and not to walk alone. Everyone has to be street smart and know exactly what to do if the situation was to happen.
In San Diego, California, Shawne Merriman, San Diego's outside line backer is accused of choking his girlfriend and restraining her. His girlfriend is MTV's reality T.V. star, Tila Tequila, also known as Tila Nguyen, and was taken into custody Sunday morning.

Tila was hospitalized after she called 911 on her boyfriend for abusing her at his suburban house in Poway. She is pressing charges on Merriman for battery and false imprisonment with the County Sheriff's department in San Diego. Her 911 call states that he Merriman choked her and threw her down to the ground when she was trying to leave the residence.

The release of Shawne Merriman and future court proceedings will be updated and posted in the news. As of right now, neither party has anything to comment on at the moment, says their lawyers.


There are a lot of people out there that think they can beat up on women and not get away with it. The stars think they are invisible to everything and they use their money to get them out of bad situations. They try to keep things quiet, try to get a lower sentence, or to get away with what they did with no consequences. It's sad that a man, so much bigger that a woman, will beat on her to make himself feel more like a man.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Illegal street race ends in violent, deadly crash

Three people died in an illegal high-speed street race. Their bodies were completely mangled in metal and glass. One of the racers drove off in a dark-colored car immediately after the crash. Police have yet to find that person. A witness said they were doing in excess of 100 miles per hour. The crash made gender identification difficult for medical crews. The road was closed while they cleared the scrap metal and glass from the pavement.

Who actually thinks they could do 100 miles per hour and not get into an accident or even caught by the police? Going that fast is a death wish. I think they should have made a device to limit all automobiles to 80 miles per hour or maybe some kind of smart chip which could sense if the car is being used for racing. I know they have the technology; why won't they use it?


Thursday, September 3, 2009

FHP to target Alligator Alley during Labor Day weekend

Look out folks for this labor day weekend. There are hopefully going to be a lot of people traveling this weekend between the different coasts, so what can we tell you? slow down. The Florida Highway Patrol said although all the major roadways will be watched Alligator Alley in particular will be the main target. This will be one of the largest enforcement groups out, with highway patrolman from Naples and Broward. There not just focused on speeders either. They are looking for seat belt violations as well as aggressive driving. So drivers beware, they also are going to be enforcing the mover over law. The move over law says that if an authorized vehicle is pulled over to the side of the road with flashing light you must move over. And don't think just because you bypass the cops on land you can get past the helicopter. They will also have the helicopter flying above to catch those speeders who get past the cop cars. They will also be using unmarked cars, so drivers look out... But everyone should be safe driving on the highways at anytime, not just holiday weekends. Enjoy labor day weekend, and be safe with your families.

HIV-AIDS rate is increasing across Florida

HIV/AIDS is among Florida's men and has reached critical levels, according to the new state report; the highest rate for the disease in any racial/ethnic groups was in Miami-Dade County. According to the report one in every 123 adult men in Florida was living with HIV/AIDS through 2008, said the report The Crisis of HIV/AIDS among Florida's Men, by the Florida Department of Health. Overall, 90,000 Floridians age 13 years and over were living with HIV//AIDS. And 72 percent of them were men.

This report seeks to encourage men to take responsibility for the consequences of their sexual actions and urged Florida's men to ``be faithful, use condoms, get tested for HIV, be honest with sexual partners, seek treatment, get an annual physical exam and challenge societal expectations of men that may encourage unsafe behaviors .''

I agree with this report but I also think that woman should take just as much precaution as the men. This is a scary figure especially because it’s right here in Florida. There are a lot of people that say that will never happen to me then next thing you know it’s too late.

Emil Gilbert

Death Row Seeing Double....

Orlando Sentinel

Twins sentenced to death row together. It has not yet happened but for the first time it may... and the two come from Orlando. They even sound alike in name. Dante and Donte Hall are accused of murdering Bernard Blunt and Kison Evans while performing a robbery. Donte is said to have planned the robbery with his girlfriend. The judge has yet to give a verdict but the recommended sentence is death.

Dante claims he had no part in the double murders and his lawyers claim he is nonviolent while his brother is violent. The defense acknowledged other crimes such as selling drugs on the street. The difference between them is there in both apperance and attitude. Donte has a telling tattoo and gold covered teeth whereas Dante does not. Sadly the people who crashed the party and killed two people were masked. Their reason for shooting? They didn't like what they had there to steal.

Is one of them guilty and the other innocent? I don't know. What I do know is that if they are both guilty, and if the judge deems it right, they'll make history as the first set of twins on death row.

Man Goes From Hero to Hammer Weildering Wife Killer

In Bryceville, Florida, Unfortunate event changed man from, Michael Ratley from a hero to a zero! Michael Rately was known as a hero for saving his two week old son and wife from their burning trailer. They otherwise would have died because the trailer burned to the ground. But I'm sure his wife would have rather died in the fire than her husband brutally smashing her skull with a hammer. Police found no motive. For this hideous crime he received 25 years to life with no possibility of parole. All his family say it's not him and murdering his wife let alone anybody is out of his character, but evidence shows otherwise! Even though Michael Ratley altered the scene to make it look like someone had came inside the house to murder his wife.


Anthing can happen in the blink of an eye who knows why this once loving family man had a change of heart to kill the woman he once loved so much. I believe this sentence was fair after brutally murdering his woman with their son in the house he deserves to die in prison.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Woman Takes Part in Sophisticated Identity Theft scandal

Shona Young is one of the 22 people facing fraud charges . Prosecutors say they stole $2.1 million. They got information by many ways ranging from stealing mail, picketing pocket and corrupt employees at professional businesses. Feds chairman, Ben Bernanke was one of the victims. Young got access to him after stealing his wife's purse from a coffee shop. which contained a lot of valuable assets such as the family's checkbook, credit cards and her id. Feds chairman was just one of the 500 thefts. All members of this identity theft ring face conspiracy to commit bank fraud. Ringleader plead guilty and is facing up to 30 years.


This story just makes you think hold on to your purses and wallets a little tighter. Don't give out personal information. Identity theft is becoming more of a problem in our current recession. This happened to in 500 different occasions and they stole $2.1 million so surely it could to you!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Pensacola. FL- Details emerge in Florida couple's slayings

On July 10, 2009, in Pensacola, FL, Melanie and Byrd Billings were shot to death, fighting for their lives in their large home with their 9 adopted children present. One of those children that has down syndrome was sleeping in their bedroom at the time of the robbery.Seven of the suspects have been arrested and charged with murder. their names are Leonard Patrick Gonzalez JR(35) and SR(56), Wayne Coldiron(41), Donnie Ray Stallworth(28), Gary Camont Sumner(30), Frederick Lee Thornton(19), and Rakeem Florence(16). At the time of the robbery, they wore black masks and black ninja like clothes. They were in and out of the house within 4 minutes. They stole a small safe that they found in a downstairs closet, but failed to find the large safe that had $164,000 in it.According to investigators, the men did not plan on killing the couple but planned only to rob them. One month prior to the murders, Lonnie Smith ( "one of the would-be recruits") tried to rob the Billings home, but when the security lights came on " that lit up like a christmas tree", he took off.


Lee County, SW Fla. business groups strive to draw young members

Local business groups here in Fort Myers want to draw in young people in order to help strengthen the local economy and community. The age group ranges from 22-40, and this age group will be those who will carry on after the older group of leaders. Some think its just selfish to bring in young people just so that we ensure the continuation or success in a particular community. Others think its great because they have seen so many young professionals move away because they felt left out because they were not older.The Greater Fort Myers chamber started a program "Advancing Business Leaders" about a year ago. It provides young professionals with networking events and a leadership program. It has many up and coming young professionals, but many older members are involved as well. So now we have the best of both worlds. All we needed to do was come together, Young and old.


Florida hotel bedbug inspection policy changes

In St. Pete Fl, there are a lot of people complaining about bedbugs at hotels. So now the state of Fl wants to adopt a new plan for inspecting hotel rooms. Although bedbugs are becoming a problem all around the nation, inspectors can now actually go into a hotel room to check themselves. If bedbugs are found then the hotels will not be able to rent the room s until the inspectors are able to determine that the bedbugs are gone. Which could take up to two weeks to get rid of the bedbugs. But the real question is, why wasn't there anything done upon initial complaints. There should have at least been some type of plan of action already in place due to the frequency of different people sleeping in the beds. They should have tried to address the problem long ago, not wait until now, because people are pursuing lawsuits.


Saturday, August 29, 2009

Ex-cop to lose license in crash that left man in coma

AN Altamont Springs officer that was fired for hitting another car from behind going more than 100mph.last year will lose his drivers license. The officer was found guilty of failure to use due care and failure to wear a seat belt. At the time of the crash the officer was not responding to any calls or emergencies at the time of the crash.

Two people were injured in the car that was hit Erskine Bell Jr. and Jennifer Hernandez. Both of them were injured but Bell has been in a coma ever since. Bell’s family has settled with the Altamont Springs Police department for 2.1 million earlier this year.

I’m glad that the police officer got punished thinking that he was above the law. I’m a little upset that he still gets to keep his retirement found though. I also know that the Bell family deserves that money but I think about how tight the budgets already are and how that money could have went for better thing if that officer didn’t mess up.
Emil Gilbert

Thursday, August 27, 2009

School Activities Canceled Due To Swine Flu Concerns.

Orlando Sentinel

A football game between King's Academy and a Fort Lauderdale school was canceled when the school learned that some of the students had flu symptoms. King's Academy also canceled chapel services and sports practice due to the concerns of swine flu. Official's believe that soon there will be infected students in schools all over and that most people who get the flu have tested positive for some form of Swine Flu, be it mild or serious.

It's not hard to think about everyone the swine flu can effect. Let's do our best not to get sick and to not spread it around.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Weather delays shuttle Discovery launch

NASA won't be launching the shuttle Discovery until 1:10am ET Wednesday. Weather is the cause for the delay. Such measures have to be taken to potentially avoid a disaster. Cady Coleman said to CNN, "Basically, you go when the time is right, and a space station mission has to go at a certain time. You have a window of time in order to catch up with the space station."

I watched many films about the disasters of previous missions, and I sure hope this doesn't happen. I'd rather them not proceed with the mission than to launch under desperate measures. I love watching Discovery channel and seeing all the information gathered about outer space. That makes me highly respect those who risk their lives to complete difficult missions. They provide data and information for many researchers and scientists to study.


Friday, August 21, 2009

For class of 2009, degree doesn’t mean a job

Students are scared as research studies in the work force find out that Employment counselor’s and job placement specialists are saying the class of 2009 are facing a daunting task of finding work in the worst economy since the Great Depression.
The studies showed that More than half of graduates in the class of 2007 had job offers as soon as they finished school, That figure dropped to one-quarter of 2008 graduates and after the recession began in December 2007 and now for the class of 2009, it was fewer than one-fifth. Although the statistics can’t be calculated until the fall it is presumed that 2010 will be even lower.(http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32468172/ns/business-reinventing_america/)

I myself think this is frightening and effects me right here at home. It sort of makes you wonder what the point in even going to college. You work hard to get a better job that you probably won’t even get but then on top of thing now you have a big huge bill for student loans to pay off with no job to pay for them which just leaves you worse then you where.

Emil Gilbert

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Naples Resident Abuses Foreign Exchange Student...

Naples News

Shernon James, twenty-seven year-old Naples resident, took in a fifteen year old foreign exchange student from Ukrainia. Despite a background check, James previous charge of possession of child pornography was not found because it was wiped from his records after he was acquitted.

James was arrested after the student revealed the molestation. James had fondled him while they slept in the same bed in the Omni Hotel. The student also claims James took nude pictures of him and showed him other nude male pictures. Unsuccessful attempts have been made to find out how thorough the background check that James underwent was. If convicted he may face up to ten years in prison.

I'd be rather scared to be a foreign exchange student. No matter what checks they make or how much they look into a family anything could happen. It's horrible that the exchange students who are abused have to see such an ugly side of America. Hopefully no one going abroad will see an ugly side of the country they go to.

Florida Population Drops for 1st Time Since 1946

Researchers have said that Florida's population has decreased by 58,000 people in the past year. The first drop since the military was withdrawn in the 1960's. Most of the decline is due to the housing market and the loss of jobs. and those people who are in Florida can't leave because there stuck in homes that they can't sell. It's all blamed on the recession. Which this can't be good for us at all. When will our population increase again? When will the recession be over? We have already fall victim to being one of the top states for unemployment. Florida was once a thriving tourist destination once out the the recession I'm pretty positive we will return to the once again thriving tourist destination .


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Student-professor relationship under investigation at FGCU

Patrick Davis, teacher at Florida Gulf Coast University, is currently being investigated for being suspected of having a relationship with a current student, and possibly having a child on the way. Patrick and the student are supposedly getting married in October, according to a wedding registration of his. Although he is not suspended he can not have any involvement in any of the student's academic. The question at hand is did he change the student's grades at the end of the semester. The school has no solid evidence against Patrick Davis, but this is not the first accusation against him. It's the second one in the past six months.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Suspended UF linebacker will return

Dustin Doe, a linebacker for the Florida Gators was arrested for driving with a suspended license. There are internet rumors of Dustin's career at UF being over, but they remain unproven. Dustin is in the process of correcting his legal issues and is returning to the team according to Charlie Strong the Florida defensive coordinator. He will most likely be given probation and required to do some community service.

I'm sure Dustin has paid his dues. Humiliation alone would be enough for me to feel ashamed of something like that. Many people probably look up to him, so let's hope he doesn't make anyone else feel like they have been let down.

Source: http://www.news-press.com/article/20090818/SPORTS/908180335/1075

saving time at the dmv

Starting jan. 1st you will need a few more documents to renew your drivers licence. Your going to need to prove your identity,your social security number and your address, requiring at least four separate documents. First you need to verify your identity (i.e.) a birth certificate. Then prove your social (i.e.) a social security card or a w-2, and then 2 proofs of residential address. So be prepared or prepare to drive back and forth.
